Asylum Law
Important note
In general, in order to take care of any matter with the city administration, you must first make an appointment.
Asylum Law
Do you have a proof of arrival notice (Ankunftsnachweis), a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung, for people in the process of applying for asylum), or a suspension of deportation notice (Duldung, for people whose application for asylum was unsuccessful, or for other foreign nationals not authorized to remain in Germany)?
Then please direct your inquiries to one of the contact persons at the Ostfildern Aliens Authority, whose names are listed below.
Contact persons
In general, in order to take care of any matter with the city administration, you must first make an appointment.
Please note that the first letter of your last name determines which of the two listed city employees you should contact.
A – L: Larissa Reinelt
M- Z: Nilay Eresen
Zuwanderung und Integration
Dienststelle: Gerhard-Koch-Straße 1, Stadthaus, Scharnhauser Park
Tel.: 0711 3404-161
Erreichbarkeit: nach Vereinbarung
Zuwanderung und Integration und Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz (FEG)
Dienststelle: Gerhard-Koch-Straße 1, Stadthaus, Scharnhauser Park
Tel.: 0711 3404-165
Erreichbarkeit: Mo - Fr 8 - 12 Uhr, Mo, Di, Do 13 - 18 Uhr